Did you ever have those moments growing up when your parents surprised you with something totally unexpected? I remember my mom and sister completely re-doing my room while I was at camp one summer. Dad would take me to get Mr. Misty Floats from Dairy Queen randomly when he wanted to take me on a little date. Sometimes, we would be driving, not knowing where we were going, but him knowing all along exactly where we were headed, just because he wanted the shear joy of surprising us when we got there.
The Heavenly Father has certainly shown me that today. I love it when He relates our everyday, human experiences to who He is and how He works. This morning, my senior girls' sunday school class was leaving to go to the beach. I walk into Sunday school, and we're all chatting about it. However, I was not going to be able to go (mostly due to moving to Auburn and the cost to go). But, this week I can't move because my dad is busy. To make a long story short, money became no excuse and my parents agreed to let me go! Completely a God thing! This is going to be such a special week for many reasons. One, because it's the last big shindig as a senior girls class and our last time all together in one place to just fellowship and enjoy God's creation. Two, since this is the week following high school camp, we're taking this time to reflect on what God has done in our lives and the things He has in store for us down the road.
So i was sitting outside thinking, "God, You knew all along I would be going on this trip. Up until 11:00 this morning I had no intentions of going, but You knew all along I would be here. You didn't have to let me go. But You decided to show me Your grace and bless my socks off!" Love how sometimes the little pleasures in life can shout God's glory the loudest. That, and the fact the my Heavenly Father loves to surprise me far greater than even my earthly father does! (Once again, so He gets a good deal of glory out of it).
My Heavenly Father knew. So glad His thoughts are higher than mine!
To top it all off (something more awesome than I could have imagined) God allowed it to rain on the way to Mexico Beach. It poured some on the way here and then began to clear. Driving to the beach house, we ALL (driving 4 different cars) were in awe at the beautiful double rainbow God painted in the sky for us. It was huge and beautiful and full and rich in color. Such a beautiful reminder of His promises for us!
Such a beautiful reminder during such ugly times.
In the midst of a society full of higher crime rates, greater poverty, heavier persecution, and deep in sin, God reminded me that His promises are still true, today as much as they were yesterday, and long before I was born. His promise of eternal life, abundant life (HIS abundant life, not the prosperity gospel), and the fact that He is always with us (Matthew 28:19-20), are always true as we are humbling ourselves, seeking His face, forsaking our own ways, and following Him.
Humbled, all I know to do is be still, stand in awe of His beauty and goodness, and praise Him...giving Him all the glory, just as He intended.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Be My Everything
Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
And I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances.
Ezekiel 36:26-27
...."I will put MY Spirit within you...." Like many great moments God and I have together, this one began in a song. A truth that I really needed to hear and was having trouble really grasping lit up. Listen to this song....
Christ in me! All the time I pray, "Christ may you be seen in me today above all else. May others see you before they see me." However, truly grasping that concept of Christ being seen in every move I make and radiating through me was hard for me to picture. Until I heard this prayer....
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.
(St. Patrick)
How vivid of a picture is that? God has put His Spirit inside of me, who causes me to walk in His ways (Christ in my walking, lying down, rising up, etc.), which then causes me to listen and be submissive to all He commands me to do. As a result of that, Christ is seen in me, heard in me, and shone through me.
How often I try to do it on my own! I become so consumed in myself and try to make myself look good and put together on the outside. This is where I fall short so desperately. If Christ was truly my EVERYTHING: my greatest desire, number one thought, God in my living, walking, waking, sleeping, resting, working, thinking, speaking, hoping, dreaming, watching, waiting, laughing, weeping, hurting, healing, MY LIFE... then how different would my life look? Every aspect would reflect Christ, and no one would be able to say my name without associating Christ along with it. And that is exactly the way it should be. Such truth in such a simple song and such a powerful piece of scripture. The prayer above should be my prayer daily. God is so good, and I love it when He speaks to me!
I pray Christ has given you that new heart and that He is your everything.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Passion for the Kingdom
Colossians 3:2
Set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on earth.
Lately I've been struggling with selfish thoughts. Not bad selfish thoughts. Just selfish thoughts, period. I get wrapped up in what is going on, what is new, what is exciting, what is happening tomorrow.... What will I be doing, when is this going to happen, I want to be there now. But then the Holy Spirit quickly puts this verse in my head. Colossians 3:2. But why? Duh, Katie, your mind is in the wrong place. Not even that, it's that I have the wrong mindset. Because that's what this piece of scripture is really saying.
The other morning I decided to dissect this passage a little and see where Paul was coming from. Let's begin.
Set Your Mind (Phroneo) :to set one's mind on; to be devoted to.
having a mindset.
involves the will, affections, and
to excercise the mind
intensive to interest oneself in.
(with concern or obedience)
synonyms: katanoeo-to perceive fully, to comprehend.
epistamai-to know well
Above (Ano) : heavenly or divine things.
upward or on the top; above, brim, high up.
in a higher place.
referred to heaven.
synonyms: hupsistos- Most High
Earth (Ghay) :upon earthly things or pertaining to this life.
soil; solid part of the terrain or globe.
country, earth, ground, land, world.
(including the occupants in each application)
synonyms: kosmos- the earth, but primarily the
people who dwell on the earth.
Why is it important to know this?
Scripture isn't just telling us to set our minds on things above; it is telling us to be devoted to the things of heaven, the things that concern God, the things that make His heart break, the things that move Him with compassion, the things that matter most for the Kingdom. Is my mindset there? Am I devoted to the things that matter most for the Kingdom? Not lately, that's for sure, if I may be real with you. I get so wrapped up in what makes ME excited and matters to ME. Then this verse comes up, and instantly I find myself turning it into a prayer, asking God to humble me and put me in my place (where I belong)
Notice the last part. Not on things on earth. In the Greek (or Hebrew, I'm not sure...) it mentions the people of the earth. Isn't that what drives us the most on earth? The approval and favor of man? Acceptance and love? Yes, we're very materialistic people here in America, but isn't the desire for those material things because someone else had them, and we didn't?
I think that's why God's made my heart cry missions. Because otherwise, I'd be lost in the earthly things and be another statistic. When I start focusing too much on this world and my desires, often an image, such as the one above, will come to mind, of children like Tanya and Evelina, to humble me and help me realize why I'm here and what my purpose is. That's what moves God with compassion: love for the lost and hearts for the hurting. Reaching out to serve the least of these. Why isn't my mind on that?
Paul talks about this as well in Philippians 3, saying that he counts everything as garbage compared to knowing Christ. Man, how I want to be there! But I'm not. Yet. It's such a convicting passage, and also a very motivating one. What compels us more than the Gospel? Nothing should.
So that is my struggle. Being devoted to the Most High, and not to the things pertaining to this life. I'm seeking and striving to be there, and I know with that same power that raised Christ from the dead living in me, I can do it.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
James 1:3-4
For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.
I am beyond pumped and convicted about the service tonight. Ashlyn Peachy, a 16 year old girl in the youth group here at SBC, quoted the entire book of James. All 5 chapters, with boldness and grace. She is an incredible girl with such a hunger for the Word that you can't help but get excited! Last year, she memorized and quoted all of Psalm 119 to Garrett.
But what is really cool about her love for scripture and drive to memorize the Word is not the fact that her brain was able to store all that information or that she could stand up in front of her peers and speak the Word clearly and courageously. It was the joy of Christ seen inside of her as she spoke, and experiencing the very Words of God being spoken over us as we sat and listened and soaked it all in. It definitely got me excited hearing it, and I know it did for others.
We'll be going through the book of James over the next few weeks with Garrett on Wednesday nights. I just think it's so awesome how God's leading me through scriptures, teaching me details and encouraging me in the study of them. In leadership on Sunday mornings we've been going through 1 Peter; on Sunday nights, Pastor Michal Catt is going through the book of John; now we're going through James on Wednesday nights; in my discipleship group we're going through Mark and John as well. It just gets me really excited thinking about how blessed I am with so many opportunities to be poured into and grow in the Word. I am very excited about Secret Church this Friday night as well with David Platt. I've got my variety of colored highlighters ready!
So I'm definitely encouraged by Ashlyn and cannot wait to see what God is going to do in and through her life, as she already shared how God has worked in her life this week through different circumstances, and how He provided the exact scripture that she had memorized to get her through. God is so good! I hope her love and joy have encouraged you as well :)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
My Jerusalem
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere - in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Acts 1:8
I've been convicted. Holy Spirit got me. As I was looking at some pictures, I ran across one of Jonathan (he's the one in my profile picture that I'm hugging). He's such a sweet, precious, yet crazy little boy that the Lord just gave me a love for. When we ministered in Gillespie park over the summer and organized Christmas at the Park in December, he took a special place in my heart.
But I forgot about Jonathan. I forgot to pray for Jonathan. I haven't been back to Gillespie since Christmas. We gave a gift, but haven't followed through. It makes me want to drive over there right now, find out where his house is, and give him a big hug and see how he's doing. Though Jonathan always seemed to cause the most trouble, he was still very precious to me.
While thinking about this, God brought this scripture above to mind. And I began to think, what have I been doing with my Jerusalem? I've got a Judea with Baltimore (going next week). That's a mission field. I've got a Samaria coming July in Auburn. And one day, I'll be going to the ends of the earth, fulfilling the will of God for my future on that huge mission field called our world. However, what about my Jerusalem? Is making a sausage biscuit for a homeless man on Thursday mornings enough? Was giving that one week of my time in December really me fulfilling God's will for me in my Jerusalem? My Jerusalem, if you haven't caught on, is Albany, Georgia. What about Jonathan? What's going on in his life right now?
I'm extremely convicted, and I have a lot of praying to do. What to do in my Jerusalem for the Kingdom of God with these few short months I have left? I don't know. But God does.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
College Number Two
Auburn University it is!
That's right. I was accepted into Auburn and am headed there this summer. And there's a neat story behind it too:
As most youth groups do, ours hosted a Disciple Now several weeks ago. It was based off of Ephesians 2:10:
That's right. I was accepted into Auburn and am headed there this summer. And there's a neat story behind it too:
As most youth groups do, ours hosted a Disciple Now several weeks ago. It was based off of Ephesians 2:10:
"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus
for good works, which God prepared beforehand
so that we would walk in them." (NASB)
Going into the weekend, I asked God to speak to me specifically about a few things:
1)What College
2)What Career
3)What to do with all this??
And He spoke to each thing, just as I asked. Isn't God good?
Here are the answers:
1)Auburn University
The last one has a lot of other specifics that go along with it. However, I know God will reveal those specifics to me in time.
I do want to go to Africa. Where in Africa? I don't know. However, I know God will pick me up and put me there one way or another some day.
The reason for nursing is so that I can work on the medical mission field, using the gifts God has given me to shine His light where darkness lurks the most. Wherever that is, He has given me a heart to go.
I also want to use the gifts He has given me in the music realm to share the Gospel, through piano and singing.
I am so incredibly excited about where God is leading me. Though some decisions have been hard, are still hard, and there will be others even harder, I pray God will give me an obedient spirit and a passion to see His glory known. That's why I'm here, right?
God is so big, and I am so small. On my own, I can in no way accomplish this. But I am so grateful that the God of the Universe lives in me and is preparing me in advance to do the things which He has called me to do.
I have a desire to do big, God-sized things, especially on my Auburn campus. It's a pretty big mission field, if you ask me. But I know it is a mere stepping stone leading to even greater challenges God has ahead.
So college number two it is! Auburn University is where I'll be. For the glory of God, and for the promotion of the Gospel.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
What do you dream of?
What in your mind is a major step into the new year?
Is it possible that something supernatural could happen this year?
Tonight, I was able to attend a Passion City Church worship service in the Cobb area of Atlanta. All I can say is how awesome it is to be around a group of people like that so on fire for the Lord and even though it was a HUGE body of believers, the gospel was not lost in all the lights, screens, music, or even "famous" people that were on stage.Like Loui said, there's nobody except God that's going to speak to you tonight. Gotta love how God does things! So anyway, these are some things that stuck out to me in tonight's message presented by Loui Giglio. He spoke on our words and their effects on our lives.
If you want to be somewhere else, then you better think about it, and then ACT on it. There are two questions concerning the new year:
1. Where are you departing from, or where is your starting point?
2. Where do you want to end up?
Therefore, speak out/confess where you want to be in your life. Because, with our hearts, we believe, and with our mouths, we confess.
****After all, the man suffocating on the cross beside Jesus managed to get out the words "today remember me in paradise." The other guy was 6 feet away running down redemption. In the right second, that man had a dream of where he wanted to be, and that day, a few seconds later, he was there.
Here are some simple phrases of words that have huge impacts on peoples lives:
" I do" "I'll take it" "Just this once" "I'm in"
Text: James 3
The tongue has the power to determine. All of who we are can change.
We have 3 choices to make for this year:
Are we gonig to:
1. Repeat the past. (dwelling on all the wrong things)
2. Become the play by play announcer for our own lives. (monotonous, boring, dwelling on things that
don't matter).
3. Use our mouths to create a picture of where we want to be and where we want to be with God in our
*It doesn't honor God to stay stuck in the same place.
Text: 2 Corinthians 4
Giglio's comments toward self help books/schemes: Self didn't help, it is the problem.
-I'm going to SPEAK because I BELIEVE.
When regarding big ideas/goals/dreams, remember, God owns a cattle on a thousand hills. Meaning: He already owns it all, and has a plan!
Grab onto truth, let it resonate in your heart, let belief be born, then act on it.
The power comes from recieving the word, not making it up. That word then becomes the rudder, and it directs our ship.
JAMES 1: people get into the WORD and the WORD gets in THEM.
Words matter.
****We are motivated by the thing we're most afraid of.****
Speak up in faith, speaking TO it, ABOVE it, and OVER it.
What in your mind is a major step into the new year?
Is it possible that something supernatural could happen this year?
Tonight, I was able to attend a Passion City Church worship service in the Cobb area of Atlanta. All I can say is how awesome it is to be around a group of people like that so on fire for the Lord and even though it was a HUGE body of believers, the gospel was not lost in all the lights, screens, music, or even "famous" people that were on stage.Like Loui said, there's nobody except God that's going to speak to you tonight. Gotta love how God does things! So anyway, these are some things that stuck out to me in tonight's message presented by Loui Giglio. He spoke on our words and their effects on our lives.
If you want to be somewhere else, then you better think about it, and then ACT on it. There are two questions concerning the new year:
1. Where are you departing from, or where is your starting point?
2. Where do you want to end up?
Therefore, speak out/confess where you want to be in your life. Because, with our hearts, we believe, and with our mouths, we confess.
****After all, the man suffocating on the cross beside Jesus managed to get out the words "today remember me in paradise." The other guy was 6 feet away running down redemption. In the right second, that man had a dream of where he wanted to be, and that day, a few seconds later, he was there.
Here are some simple phrases of words that have huge impacts on peoples lives:
" I do" "I'll take it" "Just this once" "I'm in"
Text: James 3
The tongue has the power to determine. All of who we are can change.
We have 3 choices to make for this year:
Are we gonig to:
1. Repeat the past. (dwelling on all the wrong things)
2. Become the play by play announcer for our own lives. (monotonous, boring, dwelling on things that
don't matter).
3. Use our mouths to create a picture of where we want to be and where we want to be with God in our
*It doesn't honor God to stay stuck in the same place.
Text: 2 Corinthians 4
Giglio's comments toward self help books/schemes: Self didn't help, it is the problem.
-I'm going to SPEAK because I BELIEVE.
When regarding big ideas/goals/dreams, remember, God owns a cattle on a thousand hills. Meaning: He already owns it all, and has a plan!
Grab onto truth, let it resonate in your heart, let belief be born, then act on it.
The power comes from recieving the word, not making it up. That word then becomes the rudder, and it directs our ship.
JAMES 1: people get into the WORD and the WORD gets in THEM.
Words matter.
****We are motivated by the thing we're most afraid of.****
Speak up in faith, speaking TO it, ABOVE it, and OVER it.
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