Sunday, June 26, 2011

Beautiful Reminders

      Did you ever have those moments growing up when your parents surprised you with something totally unexpected? I remember my mom and sister completely re-doing my room while I was at camp one summer. Dad would take me to get Mr. Misty Floats from Dairy Queen randomly when he wanted to take me on a little date. Sometimes, we would be driving, not knowing where we were going, but him knowing all along exactly where we were headed, just because he wanted the shear joy of surprising us when we got there.
     The Heavenly Father has certainly shown me that today. I love it when He relates our everyday, human experiences to who He is and how He works. This morning, my senior girls' sunday school class was leaving to go to the beach. I walk into Sunday school, and we're all chatting about it. However, I was not going to be able to go (mostly due to moving to Auburn and the cost to go). But, this week I can't move because my dad is busy. To make a long story short, money became no excuse and my parents agreed to let me go! Completely a God thing! This is going to be such a special week for many reasons. One, because it's the last big shindig as a senior girls class and our last time all together in one place to just fellowship and enjoy God's creation. Two, since this is the week following high school camp, we're taking this time to reflect on what God has done in our lives and the things He has in store for us down the road.
      So i was sitting outside thinking, "God, You knew all along I would be going on this trip. Up until 11:00 this morning I had no intentions of going, but You knew all along I would be here. You didn't have to let me go. But You decided to show me Your grace and bless my socks off!" Love how sometimes the little pleasures in life can shout God's glory the loudest. That, and the fact the my Heavenly Father loves to surprise me far greater than even my earthly father does! (Once again, so He gets a good deal of glory out of it).
      My Heavenly Father knew. So glad His thoughts are higher than mine!
      To top it all off (something more awesome than I could have imagined) God allowed it to rain on the way to Mexico Beach. It poured some on the way here and then began to clear. Driving to the beach house, we ALL (driving 4 different cars) were in awe at the beautiful double rainbow God painted in the sky for us. It was huge and beautiful and full and rich in color. Such a beautiful reminder of His promises for us!
      Such a beautiful reminder during such ugly times.
      In the midst of a society full of higher crime rates, greater poverty, heavier persecution, and deep in sin, God reminded me that His promises are still true, today as much as they were yesterday, and long before I was born. His promise of eternal life, abundant life (HIS abundant life, not the prosperity gospel), and the fact that He is always with us (Matthew 28:19-20), are always true as we are humbling ourselves, seeking His face, forsaking our own ways, and following Him.
      Humbled, all I know to do is be still, stand in awe of His beauty and goodness, and praise Him all the glory, just as He intended.

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