Sunday, January 16, 2011


What do you dream of?
What in your mind is a major step into the new year?
Is it possible that something supernatural could happen this year?

Tonight, I was able to attend a Passion City Church worship service in the Cobb area of Atlanta. All I can say is how awesome it is to be around a group of people like that so on fire for the Lord and even though it was a HUGE body of believers, the gospel was not lost in all the lights, screens, music, or even "famous" people that were on stage.Like Loui said, there's nobody except God that's going to speak to you tonight. Gotta love how God does things! So anyway, these are some things that stuck out to me in tonight's message presented by Loui Giglio. He spoke on our words and their effects on our lives.

If you want to be somewhere else, then you better think about it, and then ACT on it. There are two questions concerning the new year:
    1. Where are you departing from, or where is your starting point?
    2. Where do you want to end up?
   Therefore, speak out/confess where you want to be in your life. Because, with our hearts, we believe, and with our mouths, we confess.
    ****After all, the man suffocating on the cross beside Jesus managed to get out the words "today remember me in paradise." The other guy was 6 feet away running down redemption. In the right second, that man had a dream of where he wanted to be, and that day, a few seconds later, he was there.
     Here are some simple phrases of words that have huge impacts on peoples lives:
        " I do"    "I'll take it"    "Just this once"   "I'm in"
Text: James 3
    The tongue has the power to determine. All of who we are can change.
We have 3 choices to make for this year:
    Are we gonig to:
     1. Repeat the past. (dwelling on all the wrong things)
     2. Become the play by play announcer for our own lives. (monotonous, boring, dwelling on things that
          don't matter).
     3. Use our mouths to create a picture of where we want to be and where we want to be with God in our
  *It doesn't honor God to stay stuck in the same place.
Text: 2 Corinthians 4
  Giglio's comments toward self help books/schemes: Self didn't help, it is the problem.
 -I'm going to SPEAK because I BELIEVE.
 When regarding big ideas/goals/dreams, remember, God owns a cattle on a thousand hills. Meaning: He already owns it all, and has a plan!
       Grab onto truth, let it resonate in your heart, let belief be born, then act on it.
    The power comes from recieving the word, not making it up. That word then becomes the rudder, and it directs our ship.
   JAMES 1: people get into the WORD and the WORD gets in THEM.
     Words matter.

****We are motivated by the thing we're most afraid of.****

Speak up in faith, speaking TO it, ABOVE it, and OVER it.

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