Sunday, November 14, 2010


So this is my first time blogging...
and this is the reason for my blogging:
   As a senior, I am very confused. Not sure where to go or what is next or what exactly I want to do with my life. More importantly, what GOD wants to do with my life.
   One thing I do know, however, is that He has given me a great passion for His Word and for discipling. He has also called me to do great things, big things, and to find out what those things are, I must take baby steps along the way. Step number one, be obedient in the call to mentor and disciple younger girls (teaching them how to follow Jesus). Step number two, surrender my will to HIS and my future to Him as well (this is a daily thing, not to be taken lightly). So as I am trying to figure out what God wants me to do, where exactly He has called me to serve, and what that all means, the only thing to do is pray and DIG DEEP into His Word. As my discipleship girls ( Alaina, Kylee, and Hannah) and I are studying the life of Jesus, I would like to also share it with those who are interested in studying the life of Jesus as well, and maybe have a few questions (this helps me learn more and more, and I love questions:))
   So, this is my heart and one of the few baby steps I will be taking to figure out the call on my life, and ultimately, growing closer to Jesus.


  1. Great blog! I remember senioritis with all the confusion and fear. I didn't have Jesus at that time. I believed in God but had no understanding of the power of the Trinity. Beth Moore talks about the influence women have in our culture and how so important it is to be grounded in the Word so that we can teach the younger women. You are strong and filled with wisdom for someone your age. you are a blessing to me.

  2. Hey Katie! I just wanted to be the first one to comment so I could rub it in Jade's face, but I guess I'll just have to stand for second lol. Anyway, awesome blog it's pretty hardcore, Jade was telling me about yalls blogs and I wanted to come check em' out. I think you guys are going to make an impact, God will use yall to work through this there's no doubt.

    John Miller
    God Bless!
